Arguments: | None |
Returns the name, the version, and the build information for the WebCheckout server. Includes a list of active and inactive modules. Does not require authentication.
POST rest/session/info
{ "sessionid": "" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/info", "session": null, "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "session": null, "serverTime": "2019-07-03T10:17:15.910231-05:00", "instanceName": "webcheckout", "licence": true, "webcoVersion": "7.0", "features": { "defaultHideEmptyProperties": true, "errorTimeout": 5, "warningTimeout": 2, "successTimeout": 2, "attachmentLimit": 104857600, "patronLogoutUrl": null, "operatorLogoutUrl": null, "staffLogoutUrl": null, "fees": true, "messaging": true, "media": true, "personnelScheduling": true, "patronPortal": true, "rrt": true, "bundles": true, "ticketing": true, "certification": true, "inventory": true, "enterprise": true }, "webcoBuild": "28997_c3aed5d4e9", "patches": null } }
Arguments: |
Attempt to authenticate the user userid with a password.
POST rest/session/start
{ "userid": "admin", "password": "admin", "sessionid": "" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/start", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "id": "S-21715", "uuid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1", "agent": { "_class": "person", "oid": 1, "name": "John Q. Admin", "avatar": null, "lastName": "Admin", "otherName": "Q.", "firstName": "John", "userid": "admin" }, "capabilities": [ { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 43, "name": "Alter System", "key": "ALTER-SYSTEM" } ], "roles": { "circulatingPatron": null, "noncirculatingPatron": null, "operator": [ { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 2, "name": "East", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 3, "name": "West", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null } ], "employee": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "staff": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "inventory": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "manager": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ] }, "checkoutCenter": null, "organization": null, "currentEditingAllocation": null, "timezone": "America/Chicago", "locale": "en_US", "logoutUri": null, "timeout": 300, "expiration": 299, "twentyFourHourTime": false, "publicBaseUri": "http://localhost/" }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Ends the current users session, unlocking any objects locked to the session.
POST rest/session/logout
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/logout", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": {}, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Return the list of valid roles for the current authenticated user.
POST rest/session/sessionRoles
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/sessionRoles", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "circulatingPatron": null, "noncirculatingPatron": null, "operator": [ { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 2, "name": "East", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 3, "name": "West", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null } ], "employee": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "staff": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "inventory": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "manager": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ] }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: |
Set the current scope for this session.
POST rest/session/setSessionScope
{ "checkoutCenter": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1 }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/setSessionScope", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "id": "S-21715", "uuid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1", "agent": { "_class": "person", "oid": 1, "name": "John Q. Admin", "avatar": null, "lastName": "Admin", "otherName": "Q.", "firstName": "John", "userid": "admin" }, "capabilities": [ { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 1, "name": "Perform Circulation Actions", "key": "CIRCULATE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 2, "name": "Edit Allocations", "key": "EDIT-RESERVATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 6, "name": "Manage Resource Condition Note", "key": "ADD-CONDITION-NOTES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 22, "name": "Override Max Checkout/Reserve Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-CHECKOUT" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 48, "name": "Override Per Patron Max Allocation Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-PATRON-MAX-RESERVATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 47, "name": "Override Resource Type Limit Per Patron Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESOURCE-TYPE-LIMIT-PER-PATRON" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 26, "name": "Override Open Invoice", "key": "OVERRIDE-FINE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 4, "name": "Offline and Online Resources", "key": "ONLINE-OFFLINE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 5, "name": "Reassign Resource", "key": "CHANGE-RESOURCE-LOCATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 21, "name": "Manage Help Desk Tickets", "key": "MANAGE-TICKETS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 42, "name": "Manage Holdings", "key": "MANAGE-CATALOG" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 8, "name": "Manage Group Authorizations", "key": "MANAGE-AUTHS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 40, "name": "Override Pickups/Returns Forbidden Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-FORBIDDEN-PICKUP-RETURN" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 37, "name": "Release Locked Allocation", "key": "OVERRIDE-ALLOCATION-LOCK" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 38, "name": "Override Min. Reservation Lead Time Policy", "key": "MIN-RESERVATION-LEAD-TIME" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 23, "name": "Schedule Reservation Start Time in the Past", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESERVE-PAST" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 9, "name": "Manage Resources", "key": "MANAGE-RESOURCES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 10, "name": "Inventory Resources", "key": "PERFORM-INVENTORY" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 52, "name": "Manage Inventory Projects", "key": "MANAGE-INVENTORY" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 11, "name": "Manage Bibliographic Records", "key": "MANAGE-BIBLIO" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 27, "name": "Override Hold", "key": "OVERRIDE-HOLD" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 28, "name": "Override Inactive Patron", "key": "OVERRIDE-INACTIVE-PATRON" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 29, "name": "Allow Self Checkouts", "key": "OVERRIDE-CHECKOUT-TO-SELF" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 35, "name": "Override Resource Type Authorization", "key": "OVERRIDE-AUTHORIZATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 46, "name": "Override Simultaneous Pickups/Returns Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-SIMULTANEOUS-CIRCULATION-EVENTS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 7, "name": "Manage Resource Types and Policies", "key": "MANAGE-RTYPES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 12, "name": "Manage Invoices and Holds", "key": "MANAGE-FINES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 13, "name": "Manage People", "key": "MANAGE-PEOPLE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 14, "name": "Manage Patron Password", "key": "MANAGE-PIR-ACCESS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 15, "name": "Approve Patron Reservations", "key": "MANAGE-PIR-RESERVATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 3, "name": "Send Email", "key": "EMAIL-PATRONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 17, "name": "Manage Operators", "key": "MANAGE-EMPLOYEES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 16, "name": "Manage Checkout Center", "key": "MANAGE-LOCATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 20, "name": "Manage Departments", "key": "MANAGE-DEPTS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 18, "name": "Manage Organization", "key": "MANAGE-ORGANIZATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 24, "name": "Override Renewal Count Limit Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-RENEWALS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 36, "name": "Override Resource Count Limit Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-RESOURCES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 30, "name": "Override Late Resources", "key": "OVERRIDE-LATE-RESOURCES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 31, "name": "Override Checkout Center Hours", "key": "OVERRIDE-LOCATION-HOURS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 32, "name": "Override Open/Close Intervals Policies", "key": "OVERRIDE-OPEN-CLOSE-INTERVALS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 33, "name": "Override Restricted Organization", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESTRICTED-ORG" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 34, "name": "Override Reservation Advance Limit Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESERVATION-ADVANCE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 25, "name": "Override Usage/Reserved Limits Policies", "key": "OVERRIDE-USAGE-LIMITS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 49, "name": "Override Max Unserialized Qty", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-UNSERIALIZED-QTY" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 51, "name": "Remove Turnaround Time", "key": "REMOVE-TURNAROUND" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 44, "name": "Import Files", "key": "CAN-IMPORT" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 45, "name": "Backup Database", "key": "BACKUP-DATABASE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 43, "name": "Alter System", "key": "ALTER-SYSTEM" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 41, "name": "Bypass Require Scan to Pickup", "key": "BYPASS-FORCED-BARCODE-SCANNING" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 39, "name": "Bypass PIN Entry", "key": "BYPASS-PIN" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 50, "name": "Manage Personnel Scheduling", "key": "MANAGE-PERSONNEL-SCHEDULING" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 53, "name": "Bypass Require Scan to Return", "key": "BYPASS-REQUIRE-SCAN-TO-RETURN" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 54, "name": "Manage Certifications", "key": "MANAGE-CERTIFICATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 55, "name": "Revoke Certifications", "key": "REVOKE-CERTIFICATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 56, "name": "Override Resource Type Certification", "key": "OVERRIDE-CERTIFICATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 57, "name": "Allow Self Returns", "key": "RETURN-SELF" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 58, "name": "Change Patron on Confirmed Reservations", "key": "CHANGE-PATRON" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 59, "name": "Override Restricted Checkout Centers", "key": "OVERRIDE-CHECKOUT-CENTER-RESTRICTED" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 61, "name": "Assign Tasks", "key": "ASSIGN-TASKS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 60, "name": "Manage Tasks", "key": "MANAGE-TASKS" } ], "roles": { "circulatingPatron": null, "noncirculatingPatron": null, "operator": [ { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 2, "name": "East", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 3, "name": "West", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null } ], "employee": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "staff": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "inventory": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "manager": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ] }, "checkoutCenter": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "currentEditingAllocation": null, "timezone": "America/Chicago", "locale": "en_US", "logoutUri": null, "timeout": 10800, "expiration": 10799, "twentyFourHourTime": false, "publicBaseUri": "http://localhost/" }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Return information about the current session.
POST rest/session/currentSession
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/currentSession", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "id": "S-21715", "uuid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1", "agent": { "_class": "person", "oid": 1, "name": "John Q. Admin", "avatar": null, "lastName": "Admin", "otherName": "Q.", "firstName": "John", "userid": "admin" }, "capabilities": [ { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 1, "name": "Perform Circulation Actions", "key": "CIRCULATE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 2, "name": "Edit Allocations", "key": "EDIT-RESERVATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 6, "name": "Manage Resource Condition Note", "key": "ADD-CONDITION-NOTES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 22, "name": "Override Max Checkout/Reserve Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-CHECKOUT" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 48, "name": "Override Per Patron Max Allocation Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-PATRON-MAX-RESERVATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 47, "name": "Override Resource Type Limit Per Patron Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESOURCE-TYPE-LIMIT-PER-PATRON" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 26, "name": "Override Open Invoice", "key": "OVERRIDE-FINE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 4, "name": "Offline and Online Resources", "key": "ONLINE-OFFLINE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 5, "name": "Reassign Resource", "key": "CHANGE-RESOURCE-LOCATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 21, "name": "Manage Help Desk Tickets", "key": "MANAGE-TICKETS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 42, "name": "Manage Holdings", "key": "MANAGE-CATALOG" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 8, "name": "Manage Group Authorizations", "key": "MANAGE-AUTHS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 40, "name": "Override Pickups/Returns Forbidden Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-FORBIDDEN-PICKUP-RETURN" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 37, "name": "Release Locked Allocation", "key": "OVERRIDE-ALLOCATION-LOCK" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 38, "name": "Override Min. Reservation Lead Time Policy", "key": "MIN-RESERVATION-LEAD-TIME" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 23, "name": "Schedule Reservation Start Time in the Past", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESERVE-PAST" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 9, "name": "Manage Resources", "key": "MANAGE-RESOURCES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 10, "name": "Inventory Resources", "key": "PERFORM-INVENTORY" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 52, "name": "Manage Inventory Projects", "key": "MANAGE-INVENTORY" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 11, "name": "Manage Bibliographic Records", "key": "MANAGE-BIBLIO" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 27, "name": "Override Hold", "key": "OVERRIDE-HOLD" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 28, "name": "Override Inactive Patron", "key": "OVERRIDE-INACTIVE-PATRON" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 29, "name": "Allow Self Checkouts", "key": "OVERRIDE-CHECKOUT-TO-SELF" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 35, "name": "Override Resource Type Authorization", "key": "OVERRIDE-AUTHORIZATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 46, "name": "Override Simultaneous Pickups/Returns Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-SIMULTANEOUS-CIRCULATION-EVENTS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 7, "name": "Manage Resource Types and Policies", "key": "MANAGE-RTYPES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 12, "name": "Manage Invoices and Holds", "key": "MANAGE-FINES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 13, "name": "Manage People", "key": "MANAGE-PEOPLE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 14, "name": "Manage Patron Password", "key": "MANAGE-PIR-ACCESS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 15, "name": "Approve Patron Reservations", "key": "MANAGE-PIR-RESERVATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 3, "name": "Send Email", "key": "EMAIL-PATRONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 17, "name": "Manage Operators", "key": "MANAGE-EMPLOYEES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 16, "name": "Manage Checkout Center", "key": "MANAGE-LOCATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 20, "name": "Manage Departments", "key": "MANAGE-DEPTS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 18, "name": "Manage Organization", "key": "MANAGE-ORGANIZATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 24, "name": "Override Renewal Count Limit Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-RENEWALS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 36, "name": "Override Resource Count Limit Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-RESOURCES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 30, "name": "Override Late Resources", "key": "OVERRIDE-LATE-RESOURCES" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 31, "name": "Override Checkout Center Hours", "key": "OVERRIDE-LOCATION-HOURS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 32, "name": "Override Open/Close Intervals Policies", "key": "OVERRIDE-OPEN-CLOSE-INTERVALS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 33, "name": "Override Restricted Organization", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESTRICTED-ORG" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 34, "name": "Override Reservation Advance Limit Policy", "key": "OVERRIDE-RESERVATION-ADVANCE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 25, "name": "Override Usage/Reserved Limits Policies", "key": "OVERRIDE-USAGE-LIMITS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 49, "name": "Override Max Unserialized Qty", "key": "OVERRIDE-MAX-UNSERIALIZED-QTY" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 51, "name": "Remove Turnaround Time", "key": "REMOVE-TURNAROUND" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 44, "name": "Import Files", "key": "CAN-IMPORT" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 45, "name": "Backup Database", "key": "BACKUP-DATABASE" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 43, "name": "Alter System", "key": "ALTER-SYSTEM" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 41, "name": "Bypass Require Scan to Pickup", "key": "BYPASS-FORCED-BARCODE-SCANNING" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 39, "name": "Bypass PIN Entry", "key": "BYPASS-PIN" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 50, "name": "Manage Personnel Scheduling", "key": "MANAGE-PERSONNEL-SCHEDULING" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 53, "name": "Bypass Require Scan to Return", "key": "BYPASS-REQUIRE-SCAN-TO-RETURN" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 54, "name": "Manage Certifications", "key": "MANAGE-CERTIFICATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 55, "name": "Revoke Certifications", "key": "REVOKE-CERTIFICATIONS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 56, "name": "Override Resource Type Certification", "key": "OVERRIDE-CERTIFICATION" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 57, "name": "Allow Self Returns", "key": "RETURN-SELF" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 58, "name": "Change Patron on Confirmed Reservations", "key": "CHANGE-PATRON" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 59, "name": "Override Restricted Checkout Centers", "key": "OVERRIDE-CHECKOUT-CENTER-RESTRICTED" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 61, "name": "Assign Tasks", "key": "ASSIGN-TASKS" }, { "_class": "systemCapability", "oid": 60, "name": "Manage Tasks", "key": "MANAGE-TASKS" } ], "roles": { "circulatingPatron": null, "noncirculatingPatron": null, "operator": [ { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 2, "name": "East", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 3, "name": "West", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null } ], "employee": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "staff": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "inventory": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ], "manager": [ { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" } ] }, "checkoutCenter": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "currentEditingAllocation": null, "timezone": "America/Chicago", "locale": "en_US", "logoutUri": null, "timeout": 10800, "expiration": 10799, "twentyFourHourTime": false, "publicBaseUri": "http://localhost/" }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Return the servers current time.
POST rest/session/currentTime
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/currentTime", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": "2019-07-03T10:17:16.460514-05:00", "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: |
Return the servers current time. Type is one of the following:
Return the current user's calendar token or null if no token has been granted.
POST rest/session/currentUserCalendarToken
{ "type": "OPERATOR", "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/currentUserCalendarToken", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "token": "E8EBCE57D2761AD942A5DE7113A6A5" }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Return a list of all entities locked in the current session. Currently only allocations are lockable entities. This command name assumes that the set of lockable entites may be expanded in the future.
POST rest/session/lockedEntities
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/lockedEntities", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": [ { "_class": "allocation", "oid": 4848, "name": "CK-24", "id": "CK-24", "action": "RESERVATION", "stateLabel": "New Reservation", "state": "RESERVATION", "returnTime": "2019-07-04T17:00:00.000000-05:00", "pickupTime": "2019-07-04T09:30:00.000000-05:00", "checkoutCenter": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, "patron": { "_class": "person", "oid": 1, "name": "John Q. Admin", "userid": "admin", "barcode": "12345" }, "note": null } ], "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Return a list of all available normal (non-special) namespaces.
POST rest/session/namespaces
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/namespaces", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": [ { "name": "systemCapability", "label": "systemCapability", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A single capability" }, { "name": "systemRole", "label": "systemRole", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "An operator role" }, { "name": "systemRoleCapability", "label": "systemRoleCapability", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Joins a capability with a role" }, { "name": "personRole", "label": "personRole", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Main capability class. (organization_oid, person_oid) must be unique." }, { "name": "personRoleCapability", "label": "personRoleCapability", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Joins a person-role with zero or more supplemental system-capabilities (beyond those granted by the system role)" }, { "name": "personRoleCheckoutCenter", "label": "personRoleCheckoutCenter", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Joins a person-role with zero or more checkout-centers." }, { "name": "wcoApplication", "label": "wcoApplication", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "integrationLog", "label": "integrationLog", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "location", "label": "location", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "patronClass", "label": "patronClass", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "person", "label": "person", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "personCheckoutCenterSignature", "label": "personCheckoutCenterSignature", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Maps a (person,checkout-center) pair to date object for the\n purposes of the require-signature-on-file field/property." }, { "name": "calendarAuthentication", "label": "calendarAuthentication", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "hold", "label": "hold", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "organization", "label": "organization", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceType", "label": "resourceType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceTypeFallback", "label": "resourceTypeFallback", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "rtypeView", "label": "rtypeView", "parent": null, "children": [ "rtypeViewAuthorized" ], "documentation": null }, { "name": "rtypeViewAuthorized", "label": "rtypeViewAuthorized", "parent": "rtypeView", "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceTypeCertification", "label": "resourceTypeCertification", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "rrtBundle", "label": "rrtBundle", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "bundlePath", "label": "bundlePath", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "taxRate", "label": "taxRate", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "department", "label": "department", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "departmentCode", "label": "departmentCode", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "accountCode", "label": "accountCode", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "checkoutCenter", "label": "checkoutCenter", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "modelSchedule", "label": "modelSchedule", "parent": null, "children": [ "checkoutCenterModelSchedule" ], "documentation": "An abstract schedule representing a week long repeating pattern" }, { "name": "modelScheduleNode", "label": "modelScheduleNode", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A single entry in a model schedule, representing a single abstract period of time between weekly times" }, { "name": "checkoutCenterModelSchedule", "label": "checkoutCenterModelSchedule", "parent": "modelSchedule", "children": null, "documentation": "A model schedule specialised for use by a checkout center." }, { "name": "calendar", "label": "calendar", "parent": null, "children": [ "checkoutCenterCalendar", "organizationCalendar" ], "documentation": "Base class for tracking the calendar of organizations, checkout centers, and others" }, { "name": "calendarLayer", "label": "calendarLayer", "parent": null, "children": [ "holidayScheduleLayer", "regularScheduleLayer", "holidayLayer", "termLayer" ], "documentation": "A collection of periods of the same rank (z-index). The nodes of layers with higher z-idexes superced those from layers with lower z-indexes where they overlap and both layers do not allow overlaps internally." }, { "name": "calendarPeriod", "label": "calendarPeriod", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A single period in a single calendar layer, representing the period between two date-times. May or may not be associated with a model schedule depending on the application." }, { "name": "organizationCalendar", "label": "organizationCalendar", "parent": "calendar", "children": null, "documentation": "Calendar specialized to store an organizations term information and holidays" }, { "name": "termLayer", "label": "termLayer", "parent": "calendarLayer", "children": null, "documentation": "Calendar Layer specialide to hold an organizations term information. Terms may not overlap." }, { "name": "holidayLayer", "label": "holidayLayer", "parent": "calendarLayer", "children": null, "documentation": "Calendar Layer specialised to hold an organizations holiday information. Holidays MAY overlap." }, { "name": "checkoutCenterCalendar", "label": "checkoutCenterCalendar", "parent": "calendar", "children": null, "documentation": "A calendar specialzed for trackign the operating hours of a Checkout Center" }, { "name": "regularScheduleLayer", "label": "regularScheduleLayer", "parent": "calendarLayer", "children": null, "documentation": "A calendar layer recording the regular hours of a checkout center" }, { "name": "holidayScheduleLayer", "label": "holidayScheduleLayer", "parent": "calendarLayer", "children": null, "documentation": "A calendar layer that records special (holiday) hours for a checkout center. This layer overrides the regular schedule layer of the cc calendar where they overlap." }, { "name": "ldapProfile", "label": "ldapProfile", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ldapRule", "label": "ldapRule", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "authentication", "label": "authentication", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resource", "label": "resource", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "circulationPolicy", "label": "circulationPolicy", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceSchedule", "label": "resourceSchedule", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "authset", "label": "authset", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Authsets own a list of 0 or more AUTHSET-ENTRYs,\n each of which can hold a resource-type or aresource, or another\n authset from which it inherits further AUTHSET-ENTRYs." }, { "name": "authsetEntry", "label": "authsetEntry", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "An authset-entry is a join between a authset and an\n object of type ENTRY-CLASS, (resource-type or authset). Authsets\n aggregate the types recursively held by entries. AUTHSET-ENTRYs get\n their start/end dates from the authset." }, { "name": "authsetPath", "label": "authsetPath", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "The table of authset-paths shows every way to get to terminal (tail) container object from any containing authset. The things a container directly holds are joined from a separate table, authset_entry." }, { "name": "authsetDelegation", "label": "authsetDelegation", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Authsets exist in an org, but can be delegated to other orgs for use. Each of these immutable objects has an authset being 'loaned out' for use, an implied loaning group (that of the authset), and an explicit 'loanee' organization. Until we need created/modified/deleted dates explicitly, we'll rely on logging to track changes." }, { "name": "section", "label": "section", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A group has one authset. A group has one or more\n sections. Sections contain persons via a section_member join table.\n Sections form a partition of the members of a group (no overlap)." }, { "name": "sectionMember", "label": "sectionMember", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A section-member is a timestamped join from a person\n to a section that contains it. We will track changes in section\n membership via log entries, so we don't need a deleted-date. This\n saves this table from filling with historical data that needs\n periodic pruning." }, { "name": "group", "label": "group", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A group has one or more sections. Persons belong to\n sections. All persons get their authorization to use resource-types\n through the section they are in, which gets it from the group, which\n gets it from the authset. Due to group import files coming from the\n registrar, who knows nothing about authsets, we have authsets own at\n most one group, rather than the other way around." }, { "name": "station", "label": "station", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "allocation", "label": "allocation", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Class representing a circulation activity for a collection of resources" }, { "name": "allocationLog", "label": "allocationLog", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "allocationAccompanyingPerson", "label": "allocationAccompanyingPerson", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "allocationItemBuildingPass", "label": "allocationItemBuildingPass", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "allocationRepeatRule", "label": "allocationRepeatRule", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "allocationGroup", "label": "allocationGroup", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "fileAttachment", "label": "fileAttachment", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "wcoLog", "label": "wcoLog", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "requestLog", "label": "requestLog", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "agreementFormConfig", "label": "agreementFormConfig", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "findConfig", "label": "findConfig", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketProblemType", "label": "ticketProblemType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketRemedyType", "label": "ticketRemedyType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketPriority", "label": "ticketPriority", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketSeverity", "label": "ticketSeverity", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketType", "label": "ticketType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketResolution", "label": "ticketResolution", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "vendor", "label": "vendor", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketExpenseType", "label": "ticketExpenseType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketWorkType", "label": "ticketWorkType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketLog", "label": "ticketLog", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticket", "label": "ticket", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "maintenanceType", "label": "maintenanceType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "maintenanceSchedule", "label": "maintenanceSchedule", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "maintenanceEvent", "label": "maintenanceEvent", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "ticketAssignmentRule", "label": "ticketAssignmentRule", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "messageType", "label": "messageType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Instances of this are mapped to the actual templates\n used to populate messages." }, { "name": "autoEmail", "label": "autoEmail", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "entityAutoEmail", "label": "entityAutoEmail", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "emailTemplate", "label": "emailTemplate", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "emailTemplateSet", "label": "emailTemplateSet", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "emailTemplateSetTemplate", "label": "emailTemplateSetTemplate", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "calendarAllocationFields", "label": "calendarAllocationFields", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "turndown", "label": "turndown", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "inventory", "label": "inventory", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "inventoryItem", "label": "inventoryItem", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "inventoryNote", "label": "inventoryNote", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "inventorySelector", "label": "inventorySelector", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "invoice", "label": "invoice", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "organizationCreditCardType", "label": "organizationCreditCardType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "invoiceLine", "label": "invoiceLine", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "invoiceTaxRate", "label": "invoiceTaxRate", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Class that captures what tax-rates are available at time of invoice creation." }, { "name": "invoiceLineTaxRate", "label": "invoiceLineTaxRate", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "invoicesPendingExport", "label": "invoicesPendingExport", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "bibliographicRecord", "label": "bibliographicRecord", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "holding", "label": "holding", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "A holding is a join between a physical resource of metaclass #!media and a bibliographic-record that describes that media." }, { "name": "bibliographicRecordExt", "label": "bibliographicRecordExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceExt", "label": "resourceExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceTypeExt", "label": "resourceTypeExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "personExt", "label": "personExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "groupExt", "label": "groupExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "One group import line should become one of these. A\n Group import involves 3 files -- one for groups, one for sections,\n and one for section-members. Trying to use merged files is ugly\n because of the way the import framework expects a 1-1 file-to-object\n map." }, { "name": "sectionExt", "label": "sectionExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "One group section line in import should become one of these." }, { "name": "sectionMemberExt", "label": "sectionMemberExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Each instance comes from a line imported from a csv\n file, and represents a person's membership in a (section of a)\n group. The set of objects put into the ext table will all have the\n same origin, and will augment/overwrite what is in the group and\n section and section-member tables." }, { "name": "authsetExt", "label": "authsetExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "One authset import line should become one of these.\n There should be one authset_entry validated and created for each one\n of the unique-identifiers in resource-types, checkout-centers (for\n separate wco- and pir- authorization) and authsets." }, { "name": "accountCodeExt", "label": "accountCodeExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "departmentExt", "label": "departmentExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "resourceTypeCertificationExt", "label": "resourceTypeCertificationExt", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "importSession", "label": "importSession", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Used to identify log items from one atomic import operation." }, { "name": "scheduledMessageHistory", "label": "scheduledMessageHistory", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Instances of this entity track the last time a rule\n has RESULTED IN SENDING A MESSAGE for a given entity. We only have\n rules that are one-off or infinitely repeating (until the state of\n the entity changes so that the rule doesn't apply any more), so\n stale entries can eventually be cleared out. We won't worry about\n that here for now." }, { "name": "scheduledMessageType", "label": "scheduledMessageType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Instances of this entity combine a name, format,\n entity-class and other query parameters. Taken together, these\n identify what message template should be applied to an instance of\n the entity class to create a message of the appropriate format." }, { "name": "scheduledMessageRule", "label": "scheduledMessageRule", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": "Instances of this class are evaluated by selecting\n persisted objects of typeand state ,\n and then determining if it's now time to send a message of type\n ." }, { "name": "taskType", "label": "taskType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "task", "label": "task", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "taskPerson", "label": "taskPerson", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "taskProfile", "label": "taskProfile", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "taskProfileTaskType", "label": "taskProfileTaskType", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "checkoutCenterDefaultTaskProfile", "label": "checkoutCenterDefaultTaskProfile", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "jobLog", "label": "jobLog", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "customProperty", "label": "customProperty", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "patronPortalProperty", "label": "patronPortalProperty", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "sessionClientInfo", "label": "sessionClientInfo", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "patronCustomData", "label": "patronCustomData", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "shift", "label": "shift", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "schedulingGroup", "label": "schedulingGroup", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "schedulingGroupMember", "label": "schedulingGroupMember", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "staffedLocation", "label": "staffedLocation", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "staffingLimit", "label": "staffingLimit", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "employee", "label": "employee", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "staff", "label": "staff", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null }, { "name": "staffAssignment", "label": "staffAssignment", "parent": null, "children": null, "documentation": null } ], "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Return a list of all entities which may be searched using the namespace/search method.
POST rest/session/searchableEntities
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/searchableEntities", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": [ "accountCode", "agreementFormConfig", "allocation", "allocationAccompanyingPerson", "authset", "authsetDelegation", "authsetEntry", "autoEmail", "bibliographicRecord", "calendarLayer", "calendarPeriod", "checkoutCenter", "checkoutCenterModelSchedule", "customProperty", "department", "emailTemplate", "emailTemplateSet", "emailTemplateSetTemplate", "employee", "fileAttachment", "group", "holding", "holidayLayer", "holidayScheduleLayer", "integrationLog", "inventory", "inventoryItem", "inventoryNote", "inventorySelector", "invoice", "invoiceLine", "jobLog", "maintenanceEvent", "maintenanceSchedule", "maintenanceType", "messageType", "modelScheduleNode", "organization", "patronPortalProperty", "person", "personRole", "regularScheduleLayer", "requestLog", "resource", "resourceExt", "resourceSchedule", "resourceType", "resourceTypeCertification", "scheduledMessageRule", "scheduledMessageType", "schedulingGroup", "section", "sectionMember", "shift", "staff", "staffAssignment", "staffedLocation", "task", "taskPerson", "taskProfile", "taskProfileTaskType", "taskType", "termLayer", "ticket", "ticketAssignmentRule", "ticketLog", "turndown", "vendor", "wcoLog" ], "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Resets the session expiration value to the session timeout.
POST rest/session/resetTimeout
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/resetTimeout", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "serverTime": "2019-07-03T10:17:17.214349-05:00", "timeout": 10800, "expiration": 10799 }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: | None |
Will generate an error condition for use in testing.
POST rest/session/testError
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 500
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/session/testError", "session": "S-21715", "status": "error", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "message": "TEST ERROR", "class": "COMMON-LISP:SIMPLE-ERROR" }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
When a property or a search terms are constrained to a set of possible values, the system will attach a constraint name. Constraints are a JSON array of objects, each object representing one of the options. The object contains a value, which is to be returned to the server as the value when selected, and a label to be displayed to the user. The framework MUST NEVER define "" as a valid value. null is the proper representation of "Nothing" when that option is appropriate.
The list of all defined constraints may be retrieved from this namespace. The result includes the following values:
As the constraint framework grows, this is likely to expand. We anticipate the inclusion in later versions of the API of numeric rules-nased constraints (for example, posivie integers between 0 and 100) and query based constraints (for example {:organization, "!organization"})
POST rest/constraint/constraints
{ "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/constraint/constraints", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": [ { "name": "agreementFormGrouping", "documentation": "All valid agreement form item grouping options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "agreementFormSorting", "documentation": "All valid agreement form item sort options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "allInvoiceLineSubtypes", "documentation": "All invoice line subtypes", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "allocationMode", "documentation": "All valid default allocation modes", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "allocationState", "documentation": "All valid Allocation states", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "allocationStoreAction", "documentation": "All valid allocation actions", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "allocationTaskType", "documentation": "Allocation Task Types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "applications", "documentation": "All valid default allocation time application values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "authorizationScope", "documentation": "Does this apply to WCO or PATRON-PORTAL? nil can be interpreted as ALL or N/A.", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "authorizationStatusImport", "documentation": "Authorizationi import status options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "authsetEntryClass", "documentation": "All valid types that an authset-entry can point to.", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "bibliographicRecordEra", "documentation": "All valid bibliographic record eras", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "bibliographicRecordFormat", "documentation": "All valid bibliographic record formats", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "bibliographicRecordLanguage", "documentation": "All valid bibliographic record languages", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "bibliographicRecordProgramType", "documentation": "All valid bibliographic record program types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "captionConstraint", "documentation": "Bibliographic Record Captions", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "chargeSubtype", "documentation": "All invoice charge subtypes", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "chargeType", "documentation": "All invoice charge types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "checkoutCenters", "documentation": "All checkout centers in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "circulationPeriodUnit", "documentation": "Ciculation Policy Time Units", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "creationNoteConstraint", "documentation": "All valid allocation creation notes", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "creditCardType", "documentation": "All credit card options", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "creditSubtype", "documentation": "All invoice credit subtypes", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "customPropertyClasses", "documentation": "All supported entities for custom properties", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "customPropertyTypes", "documentation": "All valid custom property types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "dateTimeFormat", "documentation": "All valid date/time formats for printed documents", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "dayOfWeek", "documentation": "All valid day of the week values", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTaxable", "documentation": "All billing default taxable options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketExpenseTypes", "documentation": "All expense types in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketPriorities", "documentation": "All ticket priorities in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketProblemTypes", "documentation": "All problem types in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketRemedyTypes", "documentation": "All remedy types in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketResolutions", "documentation": "All ticket resolutions in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketSeverities", "documentation": "All ticket severities in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketTypes", "documentation": "All ticket types in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "defaultTicketWorkTypes", "documentation": "All work types in the system with the option of none", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "deliverToLocation", "documentation": "All valid allocation deliver to locations", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "deliveryType", "documentation": "All valid allocaiton delivery types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "dvdZone", "documentation": "Bibiligraphic Record DVD Zones", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "emailTemplateSets", "documentation": "All defined email template sets at the current session organization", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "eventTitleRequired", "documentation": "All allowed event titles", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "fileAttachmentVisibility", "documentation": "All valid file attachment visibilites", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "fine/feeLevel", "documentation": "Circulation Policy Fee and Fine levels", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "holdType", "documentation": "All valid hold types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "httpLogOrigin", "documentation": "All HTTP Log request origin values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "invoiceStatus", "documentation": "All valid invoice status values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "jobLogTaskObjectConstraint", "documentation": "List of all task objects", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "locales", "documentation": "All supported locales", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "logActionClass", "documentation": "All valid log action classes", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "logActionConstraint", "documentation": "All valid log actions", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "messageType", "documentation": "All valid message types", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "organizationLocation", "documentation": "Location metaresources in the current session organization", "class": "advisory" }, { "name": "organizations", "documentation": "All organizations in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "originConstraint", "documentation": "All valid entity origin values", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "patronClass", "documentation": "Set of all valid Patron Classes", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "patronPortalPropertyNames", "documentation": "all patron editable allocation properties", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "patronStatus", "documentation": "All valid person record status values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "patronStatusImport", "documentation": "Patron import status options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "paymentRules", "documentation": "All valid billing payment rules", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "paymentType", "documentation": "All valid billing payment types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "pirMode", "documentation": "All valid center patron portal circulation modes", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "pirStartGranularity", "documentation": "Patron Portal Start Time Granularity", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "printTemplateSet", "documentation": "All defined print template sets", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "publishedNotification", "documentation": "All valid shift publication notification options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceClass", "documentation": "All resource metaclasses", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceScheduleScheduledBy", "documentation": "All valid resource schedule 'scheduled by' values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceScheduleType", "documentation": "All valid resource schedule types", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceSelectionPolicy", "documentation": "RRT Resource Selection Schemes", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceSelector", "documentation": "Default Resource selection mode options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceStatusConstraint", "documentation": "All valid resource status values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "resourceTypeCertificationState", "documentation": "All valid Resource Type Certification states", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "rollDowShift", "documentation": "All valid roll-dow-shift values", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "scheduledMessageTypeEntityClass", "documentation": "Things we send scheduled messages about", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "scheduledMessageTypeEntityEra", "documentation": "Before or after", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "scheduledMessageTypeEntityProperty", "documentation": "properties we send scheduled message about", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "scheduledMessageTypeEntityState", "documentation": "states", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "scheduledMessageTypeEntityTimeslot", "documentation": "tag to slot", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "setLocationInPatronPortalOptions", "documentation": "Can the user set locations in patron portal", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "staffedLocations", "documentation": "All organizations in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "statusConstraint", "documentation": "All valid entity status values", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "systemRoles", "documentation": "All valid system roles", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "taskAllocationState", "documentation": "All valid Allocation states for a task", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "taskProfiles", "documentation": "All task profiles", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "taskTypes", "documentation": "All defined task types", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "textEncodingConstraint", "documentation": "recognized text encodings", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketExpenseTypes", "documentation": "All expense types in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketPriorities", "documentation": "All ticket priorities in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketProblemTypes", "documentation": "All problem types in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketRemedyTypes", "documentation": "All remedy types in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketResolutions", "documentation": "All ticket resolutions in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketSeverities", "documentation": "All ticket severities in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketState", "documentation": "Ticket State", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketTypes", "documentation": "All ticket types in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "ticketWorkTypes", "documentation": "All work types in the system", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "timelineZoomFactor", "documentation": "Timeline Zoom Factor", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "timezones", "documentation": "All valid timezones", "class": "dynamicOrderedSet" }, { "name": "unassignedNotification", "documentation": "All valid unassigned shift notification options", "class": "orderedSet" }, { "name": "vhsSystem", "documentation": "Bibliographic Record VHS Systems", "class": "orderedSet" } ], "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
All values of a constraint are also retrived from this namespace.
POST rest/constraint/getConstraintValues
{ "name": "allocationState", "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/constraint/getConstraintValues", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": [ { "value": "CHECKOUT", "label": "Checkout" }, { "value": "CHECKOUT-COMPLETED", "label": "Completed Checkout" }, { "value": "RESERVATION", "label": "Reservation" }, { "value": "RESERVATION-CANCELLED", "label": "Canceled Reservation" } ], "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
POST rest/constraint/getConstraintValues
{ "name": "checkoutCenters", "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/constraint/getConstraintValues", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": [ { "value": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 2, "name": "East", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, "label": "East" }, { "value": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 1, "name": "Main", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, "label": "Main" }, { "value": { "_class": "checkoutCenter", "oid": 3, "name": "West", "organization": { "_class": "organization", "oid": 1, "name": "Communications" }, "description": null }, "label": "West" } ], "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
Arguments: |
Retrieve a single configuration by name.
POST rest/configuration/getConfig
{ "guid": "find-all-checkouts", "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }
HTTP 200
{ "apiVersion": "1.0", "uri": "/rest/configuration/getConfig", "session": "S-21715", "status": "ok", "notifications": null, "alert": null, "payload": { "_class": "findConfig", "oid": 47, "name": "All Checkouts", "config": { "autoRun": true, "autoHideTerms": null, "defaultSort": { "property": "endTime", "direction": "asc" }, "actions": null, "properties": [ "identity", "patron", "originalAgent", "realStartTime", "endTime" ], "summary": [ "allocationContentsSummary" ], "resultSummary": null, "terms": [ { "term": "identity" }, { "term": "center", "initialValue": "!location" }, { "term": "state", "initialValue": [ "CHECKOUT", "CHECKOUT-COMPLETED" ] }, { "term": "patron" }, { "term": "resource" }, { "term": "eventDescription" } ] }, "scope": null, "guid": "find-all-checkouts", "default": false, "entityType": "allocation", "immutable": true }, "sessionid": "a519d92a-07eb-4ec1-bcb5-8a58ba9de1d1" }